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3 Tips to Adjust to Adult Orthodontics

3 Tips to Adjust to Adult Orthodontics
BY MarieTta rosswell dental Care

Orthodontics is a dentistry branch that treats the improper positioning of teeth. Those who require orthodontic treatment may have overcrowded teeth, an underbite, overbite, or jaw misalignment. The devices to treat these conditions include braces composed of metal brackets, wires, and bands or clear plastic aligners.Orthodontics may also help those who have a smaller or larger mouth than standard. Those with small mouths tend to have more crowding of the teeth, while larger mouths have increased spaces between them.

Tips for adjusting to orthodontics as an adult

Many people associate braces with children or adolescents. However, according to Colgate, one in four orthodontics patients are adults. Individuals with uneven, misaligned teeth may suffer gum disease, tooth decay, chipped teeth, and jaw problems, so treatment is often recommended for adults. These tips can make the process easier.

1. Handling the first week

The first week is generally the most difficult for those following an orthodontic procedure. While individuals should feel no pain during the process, adjusting to how braces feel in the mouth may take time. It is common to feel sore following the procedure until the mouth adjusts. Teeth begin to shift within the first week of installing braces.Some people find the braces chafe the inside of their lips. Dental wax is an easy solution to chafing. Over time, the skin in a patient's mouth toughens up to withstand the brackets. Rinsing with warm saltwater five times a day for 30 seconds may alleviate soreness for those who have significant irritation.

2. Brushing and cleaning teeth

While patients should already brush their teeth at least twice a day, once they have braces, they have to increase the frequency of brushing. Food may become lodged in the wire or brackets, so individuals should brush after every meal, including snacks. Brushing between every tooth and below the brackets minimizes the risk of plaque between the braces and teeth. People who do not have access to a toothbrush after a meal or snack can vigorously rinse with water.For those with spaces between their teeth, interdental brushes or water irrigators may help reach between teeth. The pulsating water may work better than flossing. Rinsing with mouthwash can also help kill any bacteria left behind by brushing.

3. Eating and chewing

One of the most significant adjustments patients have to make is the foods they choose to eat. With braces, individuals have to pay close attention to eating habits to prevent decay, gum disease, and staining. In addition, some foods can damage the braces themselves. Patients should try not to eat chewy, crunchy, or hard foods. When it comes to crunchy foods, the recommended way to consume them is by cutting them into smaller pieces.


Adults may opt for orthodontics to straighten their teeth, fix their bite, or solve a crowding issue. Patients have a choice between traditional metal braces or invisible aligners, depending on their situation. While the first week is typically the hardest to adjust to, it becomes easier as time goes on.Request an appointment here: or call Marietta Roswell Dental Care at (770) 993-2657 for an appointment in our Roswell office.Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Orthodontics in Roswell, GA.

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