Dental Checkups

How often should I have a dental checkup?

Most dentists, including the team at Marietta Roswell Dental Care, recommend getting a dental checkup at least twice a year. You should also book a professional cleaning every 2-4 months. Regular visits help in the early detection and treatment of oral health issues.

Why are X-rays taken during some checkups?

X-rays allow dentists to view the underlying structures of the mouth, detecting issues that might not be visible to the naked eye, such as cavities between teeth or problems below the gum line.

Are dental checkups necessary if I brush and floss regularly?

Absolutely! While brushing and flossing are crucial for daily oral care, dental checkups ensure that areas difficult to clean are addressed and potential concerns are identified early.

Is an oral cancer screening standard in a dental checkup?

Many dental professionals, including those at Marietta Roswell Dental Care, include oral cancer screenings in their regular checkups, especially for adults. Early detection is vital for successful treatment.

How long does a dental checkup usually take?

A typical dental checkup can range from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on individual needs and whether additional treatments or procedures are required.

What if I have dental anxiety?

If you experience anxiety or fear about dental visits, it's essential to communicate this to your dentist. Many offices, including Marietta Roswell Dental Care, offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and utilize techniques to ensure patients are comfortable and relaxed during their visit.

Can children undergo dental checkups?

Yes, children should have dental checkups to ensure their teeth are growing correctly and to instill good oral hygiene habits. Dr. Nalini Kataria at Marietta Roswell Dental Care isexperienced in pediatric dentistry and ensures children have a comfortable experience.

Will I always get a cleaning at my dental checkup?

While most dental checkups include a cleaning to remove plaque and tartar, the specifics of your appointment may vary based on your oral health needs. We recommend getting a cleaning every 3-4 months for optimal oral health.

Do dental checkups help with bad breath?

Yes! Regular dental cleanings every 2-4 months can significantly help reduce bad breath by removing built-up plaque, tartar, and bacteria that can cause odors. We also recommend fresh breath kits to address the causes of bad breath.

How can I prepare for my dental checkup?

To prepare, ensure you maintain good oral hygiene leading up to your appointment. It’s also beneficial to make a list of any concerns or questions you have to discuss with your dentist.

Are dental checkups covered by insurance?

Most dental insurance plans cover routine checkups and cleanings. It's a good idea to check with your provider or the dental office to confirm what's included in your coverage.

Same-Day Crowns

How long will my same-day crown last?

With proper care, CEREC crowns have a similar lifespan to traditional lab-fabricated crowns, often lasting many years. Regular check-ups and good oral hygiene practices will ensure the longevity of your crown.

Is the CEREC crown procedure painful?

At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, patient comfort is paramount. The process is designed to be minimally invasive, and any discomfort is typically less than the traditional method. Anesthetics or sedation options can be discussed for optimal comfort.

How do I care for my new same-day crown?

Treat it as you would your natural teeth! Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups will ensure its longevity.

Is CEREC technology safe?

Absolutely. CEREC, along with the Primescan and Primemill technologies, are tried, tested, and approved for dental procedures. They are known for their precision and safety.

How much does a CEREC crown cost?

While costs can vary based on individual needs, CEREC crowns are competitively priced. The convenience and reduced number of visits can also result in indirect savings for patients.

Are CEREC crowns as durable as traditional crowns?

Yes, CEREC crowns are crafted from high-quality ceramic, making them both durable and visually appealing.

Clear Aligners

How often should I wear my clear aligners?

For optimal results, aim to wear them 20-22 hours a day, removing them only for eating and oral hygiene routines.

Are clear aligners noticeable?

Clear aligners are designed to be discreet. While not entirely invisible, they're much less noticeable than traditional braces.

Do I need to avoid certain foods with clear aligners?

One of the perks! Since you'll remove them while eating, there aren't dietary restrictions. Just ensure you clean your teeth before putting the aligners back in.

How often will I visit Marietta Roswell Dental Care during treatment?

Typically, you'd come in every 6-8 weeks for a check-up and to collect your next set of aligners.

Are clear aligners suitable for all age groups?

While predominantly popular among teens and adults, suitability hinges on specific dental needs. It's best to consult with Dr. K for a tailored recommendation.

How much do clear aligners typically cost at Marietta Roswell Dental Care?

The cost of clear aligners varies based on individual treatment needs, the complexity of the case, and the chosen brand (Invisalign or ClearCorrect). We recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. K to receive a personalized quote tailored to your dental needs.

Will my dental insurance cover the cost of clear aligners?

Many dental insurance plans do offer coverage for orthodontic treatments, including clear aligners. The exact coverage amount varies by plan. We recommend checking with your insurance provider to determine your benefits. Our team at Marietta Roswell Dental Care is also here to assist you in understanding and maximizing your insurance benefits.

Are there financing options available for clear aligners at Marietta Roswell Dental Care?

Absolutely! We believe everyone should have access to a confident smile. We offer flexible financing solutions, including CareCredit, to help make your treatment more affordable. Additionally, we have an in-house membership plan that can provide further cost-saving opportunities. Our team is happy to discuss these options and help you find a payment plan that suits your budget.


How long do veneers last?

With proper care, porcelain veneers can last up to 15 years or longer. Composite veneers might need replacement sooner, typically after 5-7 years.

Are veneers right for me?

A consultation at Marietta Roswell Dental Care will help determine if veneers are the best solution for your dental concerns and aesthetic goals.

Can veneers stain?

Porcelain veneers are highly stain-resistant, while composite veneers might be slightly more susceptible to discoloration. Proper dental hygiene and avoiding stain-causing foods and beverages can help maintain their brilliance.

What's the cost of veneers?

The cost can vary depending on the type of veneer and individual dental needs. We offer various financing options and will work with you to ensure your dream smile becomes a reality.

Are there any risks associated with veneers?

Veneers are a safe dental procedure. Some patients might experience increased sensitivity immediately after the procedure, but this typically subsides soon.

How do I care for my veneers?

While veneers are durable, it's essential to maintain good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups, to ensure their longevity.

Is the veneer procedure painful?

Most patients experience minimal discomfort. Local anesthesia can be used to numb the area during the procedure, and we prioritize your comfort at every step.

How many appointments will I need for veneers?

Typically, veneers require two appointments after your initial consultation. The first is for preparation and impression-taking, and the second is for veneer placement. However, some types of veneers, like composite, may be completed in just one visit.

Can I get veneers if I have gum disease?

It's crucial to treat any active gum disease before considering veneers. Healthy gums are essential for the success and longevity of your veneers.

Can veneers be removed or replaced?

Yes, veneers can be replaced if they become damaged or if you desire an updated look. The process depends on the type of veneer initially chosen and the condition of the underlying tooth.

Will my veneers look natural?

Absolutely! One of the primary advantages of veneers is their natural appearance. They are custom-designed to fit your mouth and match the color of your surrounding teeth.

How do veneers differ from dental crowns or bonding?

While veneers cover only the front surface of a tooth, dental crowns encase the entire tooth. Bonding, on the other hand, involves applying a resin material directly to the tooth's surface without the use of a custom-made shell.

Are there any dietary restrictions with veneers?

While veneers are robust, it's best to avoid biting into very hard foods or objects to prevent potential chipping. However, with proper care, you can enjoy most of your favorite foods without worry.

How soon after getting veneers can I eat and drink?

You can eat and drink immediately after getting veneers. However, if local anesthesia was used, it's wise to wait until the numbness wears off to prevent potential injury from biting your cheek or tongue.

Dental Implants

How long does the dental implant procedure take?

The duration varies based on the type of implant and individual circumstances. Single tooth implants may take an hour, while Teeth In A Day obviously takes a day. Generally, there’s a healing period between the implant placement and the attachment of the tooth crown.

How much do dental implants cost at Marietta Roswell Dental Care?

The cost varies depending on the type of implant and any additional procedures required, like bone grafts. We recommend a consultation with Dr. K to get a precise quote.

Does dental insurance cover implants?

Many dental insurance plans cover part of the cost of dental implants. We advise checking with your provider. Our team can also assist you in leveraging your insurance benefits.

Are dental implants painful?

At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, patient comfort is paramount. While you might experience some discomfort after the procedure, the implant placement itself is done under anesthesia, ensuring a virtually painless experience.

Are there financing options for dental implants?

Yes! We offer flexible financing through CareCredit and have an in-house membership plan for added affordability. Our goal is to ensure quality dental care is accessible for all.

How long do dental implants typically last?

With proper care and regular dental check-ups, dental implants can last a lifetime. The crown on top might require replacement after 10-15 years, but the titanium post can last a lifetime with good oral hygiene.

Can anyone get dental implants, or are there prerequisites?

Most people are candidates for dental implants. However, there are certain prerequisites like adequate jawbone density and good overall health. Smokers or individuals with certain chronic diseases might face higher risks. A consultation with Dr. K will help determine your suitability.

How do I care for my dental implants after the procedure?

Dental implant care mirrors natural tooth care. Regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups are essential. While implants aren’t susceptible to cavities, the surrounding gum and bone can be affected by poor oral hygiene.

What’s the success rate for dental implants at Marietta Roswell Dental Care?

Dental implants have a high success rate, often exceeding 95%. At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, thanks to our expert team and advanced technology, our success rates align with the industry's best.

Will my dental implants look and feel different from my natural teeth?

One of the biggest advantages of dental implants is their natural look and feel. Once fully healed, it’s hard to distinguish the implant from your natural teeth, both in appearance and function.

Teeth Whitening

How long does the whitening effect last?

Depending on your dietary habits and oral care, results can last from a few months to several years. Regular touch-ups can prolong the effects.

Is teeth whitening safe?

Absolutely. Under professional supervision, teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to enhance your smile.

Will it make my teeth sensitive?

Some patients experience temporary sensitivity. We take precautions to minimize discomfort and can suggest solutions for sensitivity if it occurs.

How often can I whiten my teeth?

It varies from person to person, but generally, touch-ups every 6-12 months can help maintain a bright smile.

Why should I choose professional whitening over store-bought kits?

Professional treatments ensure even results, use higher-quality agents, and come with the expertise of dental professionals to ensure safety.

Are there any side effects?

Aside from potential temporary sensitivity, there are minimal side effects when procedures are overseen by professionals.

Can anyone undergo teeth whitening?

Most adults are candidates for teeth whitening. However, it may not be recommended for pregnant women or those with certain dental issues.

Does teeth whitening work on dental restorations like crowns or veneers?

No, whitening treatments work best on natural teeth. If you have restorations, we can discuss options to ensure an even smile.

How soon can I eat or drink after my treatment?

Wait at least 30 minutes before consuming anything, and avoid staining foods and drinks for 24 hours.

What can I do if I experience sensitivity after whitening?

There are specific toothpastes and treatments designed for sensitive teeth. We can provide guidance on managing and reducing any discomfort you might experience.

Emergency Dentistry

What is emergency dentistry?

Emergency dentistry addresses sudden and unexpected dental issues that require immediate attention. At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we ensure patients receive quick and effective treatment to alleviate pain and prevent further complications.

How do I know if I need emergency dental care?

Common indicators include severe toothaches, knocked-out teeth, significant chips or cracks in teeth, lost fillings or crowns, persistent gum bleeding, and dental abscesses. Always reach out to our team if you're uncertain about your situation.

I've had a tooth knocked out. What should I do?

Immediately rinse the tooth in warm water without scrubbing. Place it in a cup of milk and bring it with you to our office. We will attempt to reinsert and save your natural tooth.

How can I relieve dental pain at home?

Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and take over-the-counter pain relievers. However, these are temporary measures. It's crucial to schedule an emergency dental visit to address the underlying issue.

Are sports-related injuries common in emergency dentistry?

Yes, sports, even backyard games, can lead to dental injuries. We recommend wearing mouthguards for protection, but if an injury does occur, call us immediately.

I was in a car accident. Should I see a dentist?

After any car accident, it's essential to first visit an emergency room to rule out general injuries. Following that, you should schedule an appointment with us to ensure there's no dental damage.

How can I prevent dental emergencies?

Regular dental check-ups, cleanings, and maintaining a healthy diet can reduce the risk. Using mouthguards during sports and avoiding hard foods can also prevent unexpected dental issues.

How much will an emergency dental visit cost?

The cost varies based on the treatment required. Don't let cost concerns prevent you from seeking necessary care. At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we offer various financing options to ensure you get the treatment you need.

Do you accept walk-ins for dental emergencies?

While we strive to accommodate all emergency cases, it's always best to call ahead so we can prepare for your arrival and treat you more efficiently.

What if my child has a dental emergency?

Children's dental emergencies are treated with the same urgency as adults. If your child experiences a dental emergency, call us immediately, and we'll guide you on the next steps.

Composite Fillings

When can I eat like normal?

If you need to have a filling placed, we will first need to remove the decayed portion of your tooth and complete a thorough cleaning. Next, we will place the composite resin filling material on your tooth and shape it before the hardening. The shape needs to be just right so your bite will fit together correctly. It can take a couple of days to get used to eating on the tooth. Thus, while it will not be particularly uncomfortable, you may have one day where you feel as though you are adjusting. For more specific information, call to schedule an appointment.

Are there any special care instructions for cosmetic fillings?

No, you need to care for your fillings just like you do your other teeth. You need to brush at least twice a day and floss on a daily basis. We recommend using fluoride toothpaste, since this can help to further strengthen your teeth and prevent further decay. In some cases, we may even recommend a fluoride treatment in our dental office. You should also be careful to avoid doing anything that could damage your teeth and wear a mouthguard if applicable. Keep in mind that a filling is there to restore your tooth structure both in appearance and in functionality. This means we are not trying to restrict your activities or even what you can eat. Instead, we place fillings to ensure your life is not interrupted and you can return to your normal daily activities quickly.

How long do resin fillings last?

There is no set expiration date, but Dr. Nalini Kataria warns patients that fillings can deteriorate and wear down just like normal teeth. This makes it important to practice good oral hygiene and to brush with a soft or electronic toothbrush while avoiding biting down on anything inedible like a pencil.

What is the difference between tooth-colored or composite dental fillings?

Composite dental fillings are just one type of tooth-colored fillings available. While professionals can use the alternate types of tooth-colored fillings interchangeably, there is more than one way to receive a tooth-colored filling. Natural-looking fillings typically consist of resin, ceramic, plastic, or glass ionomer; the most common material being composite resin. While all materials are effective, glass ionomer lasts the least amount of time since the material is more fragile.

Can anyone get a filling?

No. At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we place fillings on a frequent basis, but in order for this type of restoration to work, you need to have a certain amount of healthy tooth structure remaining. If you are missing too much of the tooth’s structure, a dental crown may be the better solution. In this case, a crown surrounds the tooth like a cap, providing a stronger and more protective restoration.

How are composite fillings used?

In our 30075 dental office, we use composite fillings to restore tooth structure after removing the pieces of tooth that have decay. In other cases, we will use composite fillings to restore tooth damage. For example, if a tooth is chipped or loses some of the enamel, a filling may be the appropriate restoration.

What are the advantages of composite vs. amalgam fillings?

The biggest advantages of composite vs. amalgam fillings is that composite tooth-colored fillings do not stand out. If you have a cavity and need a filling, you can select a restoration that stands out when you smile or one that blends in. Patients do not have to worry about other people noticing the tooth-colored fillings. Another advantage is not having any mercury in the filling and decreasing the risk of other health risks. To learn more about this option, call and schedule an appointment with our Roswell, GA dental office.

What is a composite resin (white filling)?

Resin fillings match the shade of your natural teeth while providing the necessary level of protection. While many refer to a composite resin as a “white” filling, the actual shade may be more of a crème, if that is what is necessary to blend in. Composite resin fillings function in the same way amalgam ones do, so they are still effective for restoring teeth that have suffered from decay or fracture. However, they can blend in and become more discreet for other patients.

Dental Sealants

What are dental sealants?

Dental sealants are an incredibly thin plastic coating that we brush onto the chewing surfaces of your molars or back teeth. We do so to prevent tooth decay.

Why are they used?

Food can easily become trapped inside the deep ridges on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. These areas can be incredibly difficult to clean so at Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we prevent food and plaque buildup by sealing these ridges. By eliminating the areas for food to become trapped, the risk for cavities is decreased.

Who should get dental sealants?

Both children and adults can get dental sealants. However, this procedure is most commonly performed on children that have not yet suffered from tooth decay (at least on the tooth or teeth in question). If you or someone in your family has deep ridges in your teeth, this can be a beneficial solution for maintaining optimal oral health.

What is the procedure like?

Incredibly easy. When you visit our Roswell, GA dental office, we can clean your teeth. Afterwards, we will apply a gel to the surface of your teeth and let it dry. Then, we will rinse and dry your tooth again before finally placing the dental sealants. The sealant is literally painted onto the tooth and sometimes dried with a special dental light. The process only takes a couple of minutes per tooth and it is so easy that our 30075 patients are usually surprised by how quickly it is done.

Do kids mind getting dental sealants?

Typically, no. The process is easy, fast, and comfortable. There is no drilling or invasive preparation and the sealant itself does not cause any irritation or smell funny. It is truly an easy way to prevent cavities.

What does it feel like after they are placed?

We have found that our 30075 patients cannot even notice them. They do not look like anything because they are completely clear. If you run your tongue along your teeth, you may be able to feel a slight difference but they are smooth and will not feel uncomfortable in any way.

Do dental sealants really make a difference?

Yes, they do. By preventing food and plaque from becoming stuck in your teeth, the risk for developing cavities is significantly reduced. As a result, you and your family may experience less tooth decay, fewer cavities and the need for dental restorations. This means fewer dental appointments and more money in the bank.

How often do they need to be replaced?

At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we have found that sealants typically last for five to ten years. They are incredibly effective but we will want to monitor them during regular dental examinations. Naturally, there are certain things like chewing on pencils or biting down on ice that can wear down the dental sealant so it is important to make safe and healthy choices regarding what is put in the mouth. If Dr. Nalini Kataria sees that they are wearing down, we may recommend that they are replaced so that you or your children can continue to benefit from this layer of protection.

What are dental sealants?

If amazing.

Gum Contouring

What is gum contouring?

Gum contouring is a cosmetic procedure that can change the shape of your gums. A dentist can use this procedure to cut away excessive gum tissue that is giving you a “gummy” smile or to restore gum tissue that has receded and is now exposing too much of your teeth.

How do I know if I need gum contouring?

Typically, this is a highly personal decision that is made based on how you feel about your gums. If your gums are uneven, or they cover too much or too little of your teeth, then you may be a good candidate for gum contouring or gum reshaping. To find out, call and schedule an appointment with our dental office.

Is there pain associated with the procedure?

There can be, but you will be medicated during the procedure, which will reduce the likelihood of you feeling any pain. The amount of pain really depends on how much gum tissue is being cut away, shaped, or grafted. Additionally, the type of dental tools in the procedure will impact what your gums feel like afterward. Currently, dentists are using both scalpels and lasers to complete gum procedures.

What is the recovery time like?

This also heavily depends on the type of tools used to complete the procedure. When a scalpel is used for gum contouring, sutures will be necessary and there will be more overall irritation. Very often, lasers can treat the gums without cutting or sutures, decreasing the recovery time. Regardless, you will experience some swelling and discomfort afterward. You can manage it by applying ice packs to your face for 15 minutes at a time and using ibuprofen.

Check out what others are saying about our gum contouring services on Yelp: What Is Gum Contouring and Reshaping Roswell.

Are there any restrictions during recovery?

Yes. You will need to be careful with what you eat. Since your gums will be sensitive, you should avoid eating anything that is sharp or that could cut, poke, or irritate them in any way. For this reason, most people stick with a soft diet of yogurt, soup, ice cream or pudding for a couple of days. If your gum reshaping was performed using a scalpel, it is likely that you will be scheduled for a follow-up visit. At that point, your dentist will examine the gums to determine if everything is healing properly, and if it is, they will let you know when you can return to all your normal dietary habits. Additionally, you may be prescribed an antibiotic rinse to use in order to combat a potential infection, and when you do brush your teeth, you will need to do so very gently.

Is gum shaping different from gum contouring?

These terms are used interchangeably by dentists who perform them. Some may use contouring to describe the procedure with the use of a scalpel and reshaping when lasers are used. At the end of the day, the approach and objective are very similar. It is the tools that are different. The key is that if you want your gums to look different, it doesn’t really matter which term is used, both contouring and reshaping can be an excellent solution.

Is this purely a cosmetic procedure, or is there a medical reasons for contouring and shaping?

That depends on why you want to schedule a gum reshaping. If you are calling our office because you suffer from gum disease, we will first examine you to determine if you have the condition, discuss your treatment options, and work to eliminate the actual disease. At that point, you may very well need a gum contouring procedure in order to restore gums that have receded and are now putting the health of your teeth, roots, and jawbone at risk. In a very real sense, gum contouring and grafting can help save your teeth.
While typically gum recession is caused by gum disease, you could also experience this due to excessive tooth brushing, taking a prescription drug, or even genetics. In this case, as with gum disease, restoring your gum tissue may become necessary for your optimum oral health.

Will insurance pay for it?

That really depends on your insurance company and whether you are getting the procedure to restore gums ravaged by gum disease or if you are having it done to simply remove a gummy smile and improve your appearance. Typically, if it is for health reasons, the insurance company will pay for at least part of it.

What are the risks associated with gum reshaping?

You could get an infection or have a bad reaction to the anesthesia. If you have had surgery and anesthesia before, it is unlikely that you will have a bad reaction this time. Simultaneously, if you follow the aftercare instructions, your risk for infection will go down significantly.

What are my other options?

If you do not like the appearance of your smile, call and schedule an appointment with our dental office. We can conduct a thorough examination and take X-rays before discussing what you do not like about your smile. We can then make a series of recommendations for how to address it. If you don’t need gum reshaping for medical reasons, you can always have other cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening or dental bonding completed first to see if the impact is significant enough for you. Otherwise, if your gums remain an obvious issue, you should explore gum contouring further, and we can then make a recommendation for the best way for you to proceed.

Mouth Guards

How do you clean mouth guards?

Dr. Nalini Kataria recommends taking them out and rinsing them immediately after you are done wearing them. You should keep your guard in a safe case, and then when you are home, brush it with a soft toothbrush and lukewarm water. This is the best way to ensure plaque does not build up on it. You typically should not use toothpaste since paste can be abrasive. If you would prefer a special cleaning solution, let us know, and we will make a recommendation as to what is available on the market at that time.

Start protecting yourself and your children today by having your custom mouth guards created. Call to schedule an appointment with our dental office.

Are they affordable?

Yes, when you visit our office for mouth guards, we can create one that fits perfectly and is affordable for your family. While you will pay more than what you would pay for an off-the-shelf guard, you will be getting better quality and a better fit at the same time. The difference is certainly worth it when it comes to protecting your teeth and saving money down the road.

Is there a reason to have one created by a dentist?

Once you have made the decision to protect yourself, the best thing to do is to schedule an appointment with our Roswell, GA dental office. We can examine you, take measurements, make an impression and have your custom mouth guard created. As a result, you will have a device that has been made to your exact specifications so that it will remain in place no matter how fast you run, how high you jump or how hard you hit the ball. Playing sports can be rough and requires all of your energy. You need a mouth guard that can stand up to those demands. When you visit our 30075 dental office, that is exactly what you will get.

What is the risk of not wearing a mouth guard?

At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, Dr. Nalini Kataria encourages patients to wear a mouth guard and parents to buy one for their children if they play sports. This can be organized sports or the weekly game of basketball in the park. Not wearing a mouth guard can cause your tooth to break, crack, chip, or even become knocked out when a runaway ball hits your face or an elbow jab comes your way. If the impact is particularly strong, a tooth could be forced upwards into the gums or a tooth could pierce through the cheek or lips – all of which can be incredibly uncomfortable and lead to a dental emergency.

Why do people wear mouth guards?

Primarily, mouth guards are necessary when practicing or playing sports. Most people (especially adults) do not realize how common it is to sustain a face or mouth injury during a sports game. While certain sports like football are notorious for requiring players to wear guards, others, like basketball, are not. As a result, basketball players have a high rate of injury. In fact, according to the American Dental Association, the risk of sustaining an injury is 1.6 to 1.9 times higher when not wearing a mouth guard. Dental mouth guards are so effective at preventing injuries that the ADA estimates, 200,000 of them are prevented every year by wearing this small and simple device. If you are a Roswell parent looking to keep your child safe, getting them a mouth guard is an easy way to do so.

Check out what others are saying about our mouth guards on Yelp: Mouth Guards Roswell.

What do mouth guards look like?

It is common for our Roswell patients to be interested in mouth guards but aren’t sure of whether or not they will be comfortable with the appearance of one. This is perfectly natural, since most people do not want to stand out as the one wearing too much protective gear. Fortunately, our mouth guards are created using clear plastic so they blend into the background. If you put it in when no one is looking, it is unlikely that anyone will notice your guard during practice or the game. This is another advantage of visiting our 30075 dental office for your guard. The ones sold at the store are often made of a bright color and since they do not fit perfectly, can come loose during play, making them stand out even more. However, if you or your child would prefer a bright colored mouth guard, then we can discuss creating one in the right size.

Night Guards

What should I do to take care of my night guard?

Another way to keep your guard in good shape is to brush it regularly. Cleaning it is relatively easy. All you need to do is brush it with a soft toothbrush, toothpaste, and lukewarm water. This should remove the plaque that has built up on it. Additionally, you can try a special dental solution and soak it once per week. Be sure to dry it afterwards to prevent any bacteria buildup.

To learn more about night guards and how they can help you, call our 30075 dental office to schedule an appointment.

How long will my night guard last?

If you take good care of your night guard, there is no reason that it should stop working. That is, if you buy one made of strong material. The type of guard that you can buy in the store is not designed to last forever and will typically give up after six months to a year. A dentist-made night guard can last for years, sometimes even decades. At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we also recommend that you store it in a safe place. We will give you a hard case, and that is the ideal place to keep it. Most patients put their night guards in a case and keep it in their nightstand drawer. Out of the way, it is unlikely to get lost or taken by a child or pet. If you travel a lot, you may want to have two created so you can keep one at home and one in your carry-on bag.

Can night guards help with sleep apnea?

There are oral appliances that are used to treat sleep apnea. This is different from a standard night guard. However, we can provide you with more information when you visit our dentist office.

Are they comfortable to wear?

Yes, night guards created by Dr. Nalini Kataria are incredibly comfortable because they are designed using your measurements and exact specifications. The material we use is durable, yet comfortable enough to wear at night, without interrupting your sleep.

Why do most people wear a night guard?

The exact reason you need one will be determined during your dental exam. Typically, they are worn to:

Prevent damage. If you have paid to repair your teeth or have had cosmetic work done to improve your appearance, teeth grinding could reverse all that the work. Even if your teeth have never needed repair, grinding can cause your teeth to chip, crack, or simply wear down. This translates into direct discomfort as the teeth flatten, and your dentin or nerves could become exposed. This can lead to feelings of sensitivity when you eat or drink. If this type of damage continues, you could end up with gum recession and even loose teeth. If you use a night guard, your upper and lower teeth will be unable to grind against each other and the potential damage will be avoided.

Ease discomfort. Nighttime teeth grinding can cause severe headaches and tooth pain in the morning. If you are regularly waking up in pain or feeling uncomfortable, this can be a sign that you need to wear a guard while sleeping. At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we have found that many of our patients feel significantly better after wearing their guard for just a few days. The key is to continue wearing it every night. While some grinding is caused by stress or tension, there is no way to tell exactly what causes people to grind their teeth or to stop the body from attempting it. This is why continued use of the guard is necessary.

Treating TMJ. Severe grinding or jaw clenching can lead to TMJ disorder. This can be incredibly uncomfortable, typically starting out as a sore jaw in the morning with the occasional headache. If you experience these symptoms or have face pain, neck pain, or your jaw hurts while eating, call to schedule an appointment with our Roswell office right away. It is critical that you treat TMJ early by wearing a night guard and preventing your teeth from clenching or grinding in your sleep. Otherwise, TMJ can become severe. At this stage, some people find it difficult to even open their mouth, let alone eat or speak normally.

Do I really need to wear a night guard?

If you are grinding your teeth at night – yes, you do. At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we believe in the value of preventative care, and night guards are one of the ways we can prevent you from damaging your teeth. Since you only get one set of permanent teeth, allowing them to be ground down is unwise. The discomfort you will suffer and the cost you will incur to repair your teeth is simply not worth skipping out on this easy, preventative measure. We know that not all of our Roswell, GA patients enjoy the idea of wearing a guard, and we will not recommend doing so unless we are certain that it will be useful in solving your problems.

Check out what others are saying about our night guards on Yelp: Night Guards Roswell.

What are night guards?

These small pieces of plastic are designed to fit securely around your teeth. They are actually quite small and can fit in the palm of your hand. Typically, they are made of clear plastic, so they will not stand out when you wear them. This is excellent news for those who are self-conscious about appearance but want to save their teeth. To see what one looks like, visit our 30075 dentist office.

Oral Cancer Screening

How can I prevent oral cancer?

The most important thing you can do for decreasing your risk is to stop chewing smokeless tobacco products. This is the biggest historical risk for developing oral cancer. While it is better for your lungs than smoking cigarettes, it can increase your risk for oral cancer by 60 times! You should also stop smoking all tobacco products and limit how much alcohol you drink. It does not appear that alcohol in limited quantities is dangerous, but if you drink regularly or binge drink, you are at a greater risk. You also need to limit your sun exposure and prevent sunburns whenever possible. As for the HPV virus, you should speak with your general physician to find out if you are a candidate for the vaccine. You may also want to be tested to find out if you already have the virus.

When should I call for help with oral cancer?

You can be the first line of defense when it comes to catching oral cancer. Dr. Nalini Kataria recommends that you spend a few seconds examining your mouth after brushing your teeth. All you need to do is run your tongue along your cheeks, gums, and the roof of your mouth. If you notice any rough patches, lumps or bumps, make note of it. Do the same thing a few days later. If what you felt was the result of being sick or eating food that was too abrasive, it should go away after a few days. When it doesn’t, you need to call our office for an oral cancer screening and examination. The other thing to watch for is teeth that move for no particular reason. If they are pushed out of place, something must have been pushing them. Occasionally, that something is cancer.

Do you treat oral cancer?

No, at Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we do not treat oral cancer. We help to catch it. When it comes to cancer, early detection is of critical importance. It can literally save your life. Since we are the most familiar with how your mouth looks normally, we are prepared to identify any abnormalities. If we see anything that looks like pre-cancer or cancer, we will may perform a biopsy. This is where a portion of the tissue is taken from your mouth for further testing. In some cases, we may refer you directly to an oncologist in the 30075 area so they can perform further tests and then discuss treatment options with you.

Who is susceptible to getting oral cancer?

The common misconception is that only older men get oral cancer. It used to be that men got oral cancer at a 10:1 ratio to women. Over time, the statistics have changed, most likely because the habits of men and women are now more similar. With more women drinking alcohol and smoking, the published ratios are now 2:1. Recently, medical research has proven that some strains of the HPV virus also cause oral cancer. This has changed the way we look at this cancer and who we need to screen for it. The HPV virus can be contracted as early as the teenage years, meaning that both men and women, seniors and teens, could come down with this terrible disease. Dr. Nalini Kataria recommends that all adults be screened for oral cancer. However, if you smoke, drink alcohol, or know you have the HPV virus, you should be particularly diligent about doing so.

How frequently should I have an oral cancer screening?

We recommend that you visit our Roswell, GA dentist office for your first exam. Based on your risk factors and what we see, we will let you know how frequently you need an examination. If you are a high-risk patient, we may suggest annual screenings.

What does an oral cancer screening entail?

At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we will look for signs of abnormal tissue. Typically, we will see visible symptoms like red and white bumps, hard lumps, rough patches, or changes in the position of your teeth. Much of the screening is done visually. However, Dr. Nalini Kataria will also feel your cheeks and the inside of your mouth while wearing gloves. This is to identify whether or not you have any strange or hard lumps within this tissue. Remember, oral cancer can impact all areas of the mouth, so the examination must be thorough. Since technology is constantly improving, we may use other testing resources when you come in and will be happy to discuss the process with you when you visit our 30075 dental office. We guarantee that the test is gentle and that you should feel comfortable during it.

Check out what others are saying about our oral cancer screening services on Yelp: Oral Cancer Screening Roswell.

What does an oral cancer screening entail?

At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we will look for signs of abnormal tissue. Typically, we will see visible symptoms like red and white bumps, hard lumps, rough patches, or changes in the position of your teeth. Much of the screening is done visually. However, Dr. Nalini Kataria will also feel your cheeks and the inside of your mouth while wearing gloves. This is to identify whether or not you have any strange or hard lumps within this tissue. Remember, oral cancer can impact all areas of the mouth, so the examination must be thorough. Since technology is constantly improving, we may use other testing resources when you come in and will be happy to discuss the process with you when you visit our 30075 dental office. We guarantee that the test is gentle and that you should feel comfortable during it.

Check out what others are saying about our oral cancer screening services on Yelp: Oral Cancer Screening Roswell.

Is it common to have an oral cancer screening?

Unfortunately, no. Most people never have an oral cancer screening, and this is why the cancer is not detected at an early stage. At our Roswell, GA dental practice, we suggest that you visit us for a screening right away if you have never received one. Otherwise, you can generally have this done bi-annually. If you live in or near the 30075 area, call to schedule an appointment with our office.

Oral Surgery

What is the recovery like from oral surgery?

This really depends on the type of surgery being performed. As a general rule, you can expect there to be some level of bleeding that is temporary and can be controlled with the gauze that we give you. You can also expect there to be swelling. This is where most of the discomfort comes from. To control it, you will want to place an icepack on your face for 15 minutes at a time, rest for 15 minutes and then use it again. Just be careful not to irritate your skin, and use a light cloth if you need to. Simultaneously, you should use ibuprofen to keep the swelling and discomfort at minimum. The ice is typically only used for a day or two where the ibuprofen may be needed for a week or so. At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we may also give you antibiotics to take in order to prevent an infection. When it comes to food, you will want to stick with things that are soft and either do not require chewing (like soup) or can be chewed very easily (like steamed vegetables). Buying these items ahead of time will make your recovery easier. Just remember to take it easy and not to push yourself. It is best to follow Dr. Nalini Kataria instructions than to risk irritating your surgical site.

To find out if you need oral surgery or to discuss a surgical procedure in greater detail, call  and schedule a consultation. We will be happy to answer any questions you have and set you on the road to surgery and a full recovery. Our offices are conveniently located in Roswell, GA, and we are currently accepting new patients.

Can you provide me with oral surgery if I am currently being treated by another dentist?

Yes, we can. When you visit our Roswell dental office, let us know if you are being treated by a dentist and if they mentioned you needing oral surgery. Not everyone performs surgery, so if you want to remain in their care after the procedure has been completed, you certainly can. Otherwise, we welcome you as a new patient to our practice.

How do I prepare for oral surgery?

At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we will do whatever we can to keep you comfortable during your procedure, and part of that is helping you to be prepared. We believe in patient education and will go over the procedure with you step by step. Since each patient and surgery is unique, our overview here is more generic in nature, and Dr. Nalini Kataria will want to take time with you individually. Typically, however, you will want to avoid eating food for a few hours (possibly starting the night before). This is standard protocol when receiving anesthesia. We also recommend that you purchase some ice packs and place them in the freezer. You should plan ahead and buy soft foods, plenty of water, and anything you need to relax and stay comfortable, which should certainly include ibuprofen.

Is oral surgery used with orthodontics?

Yes, when an orthodontist straightens teeth, one of the issues they address is overcrowding. There are certain procedures that can create space in the mouth, and one of them is to extract teeth. While not always necessary, some orthodontists will make a recommendation to have one or several teeth removed as part of the treatment process. An orthodontist is also concerned about jaw alignment. Overbites and underbites can often be treated non-invasively. However, in severe cases, oral surgery is necessary to change the position of the jaw. Whether or not you will need oral surgery as part of your orthodontic treatment is something to discuss during your initial consultation.

Why do people get oral surgery?

There are three main reasons that a surgical procedure could be necessary. The first is your health. Tooth decay is incredibly common, and if you receive regular dental care, it is easy to catch and treat before it causes discomfort or spreads. Unfortunately, too many people do not visit the dentist on a regular basis, and this can allow infections to set in. Occasionally, the decay becomes so bad, the tooth has to be removed. Other times, it can be saved with a root canal, but regardless, immediate dental care is necessary to stop the discomfort. It may also be necessary for Dr. Nalini Kataria to perform oral surgery to correct a problem with your gums. If you have gum disease and suffer from gum recession, you could need a surgical gum graft, for example.

The second reason we perform oral surgery is to remove wisdom teeth. While they do not always pose an immediate health risk, they can grow in impacted and cause discomfort. Removing them can prevent future infections and stop your wisdom teeth from pushing your other teeth forward.

Lastly, our Roswell patients receive oral surgery for cosmetic reasons. Primarily, this is to replace missing teeth with dental implants. An implant is the most secure and durable solution for tooth loss, because it is the only solution that replaces the root in addition to the tooth. To do so, Dr. Nalini Kataria implants a titanium post under the gums and secures it to the jaw bone. Titanium is used because it is a strong metal that the body treats like natural matter. As a result, the implant and jaw bone will fuse together through the process of osseointegration. This takes a few months, but once complete, a new root system is developed, and when the new tooth is attached, it will be as secure as a natural one. To learn more about this process, call and schedule an appointment with our dental office.

Check out what others are saying about our oral surgery services on Yelp: Oral Surgery Roswell.


How often should I visit the dentist for periodontal health?

Individuals with periodontal concerns should visit their dentist every 2-4 months for cleanings and checkups. This frequency allows for early detection and management of any issues.

What if I have a dental implant, do I still need regular cleanings?

Absolutely. Dental implants require the same care as natural teeth. Regular cleanings help prevent gum disease around the implant, ensuring its longevity and health.

Are there any risk factors for periodontal disease?

Yes, risk factors include smoking, diabetes, certain medications, hormonal changes, and genetics. It's important to discuss your health history with your dentist for a personalized care plan.

How can I maintain periodontal health at home?

Good oral hygiene is key. This includes brushing twice a day, flossing daily, using an antiseptic mouthwash, and avoiding tobacco products. Eating a balanced diet and avoiding excessive sugar can also help maintain healthy gums.

Is periodontal treatment painful?

Modern periodontal treatments are designed to be as comfortable as possible. Some patients may experience mild discomfort, but local anesthesia and sedation options are available to ensure a pain-free experience.

What happens during a professional cleaning?

During a cleaning, a dental professional will carefully remove plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line. They may also perform scaling and root planing if necessary, to thoroughly clean the teeth and gums.

Can periodontal disease be cured?

Early stages of periodontal disease, like gingivitis, can be reversed with proper oral hygiene and professional care. Advanced stages require more intensive treatments but can be managed effectively with regular dental visits and home care.

Why are professional cleanings important for periodontal health?

Professional cleanings are crucial because they remove plaque and tartar buildup that regular brushing and flossing can't. These cleanings help prevent gum disease and are recommended every 2-4 months, especially for individuals with a history of periodontal issues.

How can I tell if I have periodontal disease?

Common signs include red, swollen, or bleeding gums, bad breath, gum recession, and in advanced stages, loose teeth. Regular check-ups are essential as some symptoms may not be easily noticeable.

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a condition where the gums become inflamed, often leading to swelling, redness, bleeding, and in severe cases, tooth loss. It's primarily caused by plaque buildup and can be exacerbated by factors like smoking, poor oral hygiene, and certain health conditions.


Where can I find a Oral Prosthetics Doctor?

That is simple –  schedule an appointment with Dr. Nalini Kataria. As a Roswell, GA prosthodontist, we can provide you with a superior level of dental care, and we welcome your calls, even if you are currently under the care of another family dentist.

Does a Prosthodontist offer more procedures than a general dentist?

In our 30075 dental office, we offer a variety of solutions for replacing missing teeth. The number of procedures a oral prosthetics doctor offers in comparison with a general dentist really depends on that particular dental office. In ours, we focus on providing the highest quality dental care and understand that offering a variety of solutions is important for ensuring our patients receive what they need. As such, we are always looking for innovative approaches and best practices that will give our patients a durable and natural-looking solution to tooth loss. One of these is dental implants. Implant dentistry requires oral surgery, so not every dentist offers it. At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we can provide you with dental implants that replace both your visible tooth and your root, so you can be confident in the appearance and functionality of your smile.

Will my recovery process be faster if I visit a Prosthodontist?

There is a high likelihood that it will. This is because a Prosthodontist has additional education and clinical experience when it comes to replacing teeth and performing procedures like the placing of dental implants. Anytime a medical provider has more training in a specific area, they will have a greater understanding in how the body will respond to certain procedures and how to best ensure a fast recovery. To learn more about how we place dental implants, call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Nalini Kataria.

What types of procedures does a Prosthodontist perform?

As a Prosthodontist, we can perform a variety of procedures to replace your missing teeth. This includes the more traditional option of dentures. We find that some patients still prefer to wear dentures as either a temporary or permanent tooth replacement. Whether this decision is made for convenience or budgetary reasons, we can ensure your dentures will be created in a way that looks like a natural set of teeth and that the fit is snug and secure for maximum comfort. Another tooth replacement solution is a dental bridge. In this procedure, we place dental crowns on the two teeth surrounding the missing one. These crowns serve as anchors to hold the bridge and new tooth in place. This solution is semi-permanent, remains in place, and provides you with a stable chewing surface while restoring the appearance of your smile.

As a oral prosthetics doctor, the procedure we most recommend for replacing teeth is dental implants. This is because an implant is the only solution that replaces the visible portion of the tooth and the missing root. To qualify for the procedure, you need to have sufficient bone density for the implant to secure to. If you do not, we can discuss options for a bone graft that can be done in order to prepare your jaw for implant surgery. Once ready, we will implant a small titanium post under the gums, securing it to the jawbone in each place you are missing a tooth. This can be done to replace one tooth or all your teeth.

There are also hybrid solutions that use implant technology to secure a full set of teeth in place. The reason dental implants are so sturdy is because the titanium post and jawbone fuse together through the process of osseointegration. As a result, the jawbone will provide stability to the implant like it would to a natural tooth, and the implant will provide the stimulation the jawbone needs to prevent resorption. This symbiotic relationship is the best for your oral health and your long-term appearance.

Why should I see a Prosthodontist over a regular dentist?

Experience. As a oral prosthetics doctor, we have additional experience both in education and in the number of hours we have spent performing procedures replacing teeth. You can visit a dentist who tends to focus on preventative care and only replaces teeth occasionally, or you can visit a oral prosthetics doctor who spends a significant amount of time doing so.

What is a Prosthodontist?

A Prosthodontist is a licensed dentist who has received additional training to specialize in the branch of dentistry that focuses on restoring and maintaining the functionality of the mouth, be it replacing missing teeth or restoring bone density after resorption. This is done using prosthetic devices like dentures and partial dentures, dental bridges, and dental implants, along with conducting procedures like bone grafts. A oral prosthetics doctor has the expertise necessary to not only replace missing teeth, but to do so in a way that looks entirely natural and feels comfortable, so both the form and function of your smile can be restored.

As a oral prosthetics doctor, we are also referred to as a prosthetic dentist. If you have suffered from tooth loss, we encourage you to call and schedule an appointment to speak with Dr. Nalini Kataria. At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we are confident in our ability to provide you with a durable tooth replacement that will allow you to speak and smile with confidence and eat your favorite foods without restriction. To learn more, visit our Georgia dental office today.

Root Canals

How does the treatment work?

A root canal endodontic procedure works by creating a small hole in the tooth so that all of the infected areas can be removed. The dental pulp is removed, and oftentimes so are the roots. You only need your tooth roots to feel sensations like hot and cold and for the tooth to grow in. Once it has fully matured, removing the roots will not directly harm the tooth. It can, however, prevent the further spread of infection so when it is necessary to remove the roots; we promptly do so. Once done, we will clean the area to ensure that the infection is gone. Dr. Nalini Kataria will typically prescribe antibiotics, as well. This ensures that any lingering infection is eliminated.

In order to complete the root canal, we will seal up the hole and area where the dental pulp used to be. This is typically done with something called gutta-percha. This is a rubber-like substance that can help to stabilize the tooth now that a portion is missing. At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we will then use a filling or crown in order to further strengthen and protect the damaged tooth. Both fillings and crowns can now be created in a tooth-color. This means that regardless of where your infected tooth is located, a crown can be used, and it will blend in seamlessly with the surrounding teeth. Patients throughout the Roswell area appreciate how natural their tooth looks once the procedure is complete.

What about discomfort?

We work to help patients to feel comfortable during their root canal endodontics procedure by using sedation dentistry. We have a variety of ways that we can eliminate both discomfort and anxiety during a root canal. Whether a patient needs to take something ahead of time to relax or medication to numb the specific area that is being worked on, Dr. Nalini Kataria can provide painless dentistry and help patients enjoy their dental treatments.

What are the advantages of this procedure?

In the past, many people would need to have their teeth pulled if they became severely infected or the dental pulp became inflamed. Now, those same teeth can be saved by performing a root canal. This is a far better option because it keeps the natural tooth in place. This is important for the shape of the face because as teeth fall out the muscles in the face can start to sag. While this is not particularly common with the loss of one tooth, it is when several become infected and fall out. By treating and saving an infected tooth, Dr. Nalini Kataria is helping to preserve our patients’ facial structure.

Another benefit is that once the root canal has been completed, and the filling or crown is in place; it is possible to eat like normal and without restrictions. Once the infection is gone, and the tooth is strengthened, it will behave like it used to. That makes it possible to bite down with normal force, chew, and maintain normal activities without worrying about the tooth. This helps patients throughout Roswell get back to return to their busy schedules.

A restored tooth will look completely natural if a tooth-colored crown or filling is used to restore it. In fact, crowns can be created in the exact shade of the surrounding teeth so that it blends in perfectly. This way no one will know that you ever had a procedure completed. If, in fact, you had a root canal done previously, you may want to have the filling or crown around it replaced with today’s version for an improved appearance.

Alternatively, if don’t have a root canal endodontics procedure completed, the infected tooth will likely need to be pulled. This is essential for preventing the spread of infection. Once the tooth is removed it will need to be replaced. The options for doing so involve wearing a denture, getting a dental bridge or having dental implants installed. These are all viable solutions but take additional time, and the recovery period is longer since the procedures will take several steps. Therefore, one possible solution is to have Dr. Nalini Kataria attempt to save your tooth by performing a root canal endodontics procedure. To learn more about this option call and schedule an appointment.

Why do most people need a root canal?

When a tooth becomes infected, that infection can spread into the center of the tooth. This area is called the dental pulp. Inside of the dental pulp is the nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels. All of the sensitive areas of the tooth are contained here. As such, when the area becomes infected it can be incredibly painful, requiring immediate treatment. We can perform a root canal quickly on people living in and around the 30075 area.

Why should I have a root canal endodontics treatment?

If you live in Roswell, GA you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Nalini Kataria to discuss the health of your teeth, any problems that you may be having and what should be done to heal and protect the tooth. If it appears that a root canal is the best option, we will make this recommendation. If not, we will present a treatment solution that will solve your health issue. Overall, a root canal endodontics treatment is extremely effective for saving damaged teeth by removing any infection that may be there. This single treatment makes it possible for millions of teeth to be saved on an annual basis and once it is completed; eating and drinking becomes easy again.

Check out what others are saying about our root canal services on Yelp: Root Canal Roswell.

Root Scaling and Planing

Are there any warning signs to watch for after the procedure?

Yes. If your gums are bleeding excessively, you develop a hard boil (bump) inside your mouth, or the irritation persists for more than two weeks, you should schedule an immediate follow-up appointment.

Can I eat like normal after a root scaling and planing procedure?

No. We recommend that you avoid anything hot for two days and that you do not eat anything crunchy like nuts or chips for four days. This is to ensure that your gums do not experience any further irritation. Simultaneously, your gums may be sensitive to sugar, so avoid any candy or treats for several days. If you have a sweet tooth, try a sugar-free popsicle instead.

How long does root scaling and planing take?

In most cases, this procedure will need to be broken up into four appointments. This allows a dentist to separate your mouth into quadrants and clean each one of them individually. Since the process is very methodical, it takes longer than the standard teeth cleaning and your gums may experience some irritation and swelling. By only cleaning one area of the mouth at a time, the process is more manageable and the recovery time is reduced.

What are the risks involved the procedure?

There is a risk of developing an infection from this procedure. You can help reduce the risk by rinsing with warm saltwater throughout the day and keeping your teeth clean. We may also prescribe you an antibiotic rinse to use. However, the biggest risk comes from not having the procedure completed at all. That can lead to more severe gum disease, gum recession, and even tooth loss

Check out what others are saying about our root scaling services on Yelp: Root Scaling and Planing Roswell.

What happens to my gums after they heal from the procedure?

Your gums should begin to return to normal, and there should be no restrictions long term regarding what you can eat. By removing the plaque and tartar, your gums should begin to return to good health. This means that the swelling you have been experiencing will be reduced, they should return to a healthy pink color, and they will no longer be irritated in general. As long as the procedure works as it should, you will not need more invasive gum procedures. However, if you have waited a long time and your gums have already started to recede, this may not be enough. You may also require a future gum grafting procedure.

What is periodontal scaling and root planing?

In this procedure, the plaque and tartar underneath the gum tissue is removed. This can be done using a metal dental tool, ultrasound energy, and lasers. A dentist will break up the plaque and tartar before scraping it out. If the roots have plaque buildup as well, the root planing procedure will scale them to remove the plaque and then smooth out any rough areas so the tooth can be both healthy and fully functional.

What should I expect during and after root scaling and planing?

During the procedure, you can expect for your gums to be numbed and for your teeth to be very slowly and methodically cleaned. Very often, an ultrasound is used to help break up the plaque and tartar before a dental tool scrapes it off of the tooth. Some dentist use lasers to complete the entire procedure. Since your gums will be numb, you will feel some pressure but should not feel any direct pain or discomfort. However, afterward, your gums will be sore, they will swell, and may ache in general. You can help control this with ibuprofen and ice packs if necessary. Typically, the worst part is over within four hours, so you may just want to go home and sleep. In the rare case your jaw feels sore and stiff, you can place a warm compress on it.

For several days to a week or more, you may experience some sensitivity when eating, especially if you are eating anything sweet. One way to address this is to use something soft to clean the area and then place a desensitizing toothpaste on a Q-tip so it can be gently applied to the area around your gums.

There will be some bleeding when you brush your teeth, but this should only last for a day or two. Just remember to be gentle when brushing around your gums.

Will I need follow-up procedures?

At Marietta Roswell Dental Care, we enjoy discussing oral health. If you have questions about your gums or a root scaling and planning procedure, call and schedule an appointment with our Roswell, GA dental office.

Will the dentist use anesthesia?

Yes. Your gums will be numbed before the root scaling and planing procedure starts. Some dentist may also use nitrous oxide or other forms of sedation to help relax you prior to getting started. When sedation is used, a dentist can sometimes complete more of the procedure in one sitting. Additionally, you may want to use a desensitizing toothpaste afterward in order to further numb the gums.

Snap-On Smiles

Do I need Snap-On Smile?

Let’s face it, we live in the world of the Hollywood smile. Everyone you know is looking for a way to have a better, more beautiful and whiter smile. Unfortunately, for many people spending thousands of dollars on obtaining a beautiful smile is not really an option. The good news is that money doesn’t have to stop you from improving your smile. The Snap-On Smile is a patented, easy to use and painless way for you to obtain the beautiful smile you have always wanted – and it is affordable. For millions of people who have discovered the Snap-On Smile, this is a solution that has given them that if the smile they have dreamed of without having to spend a fortune to get it. So the question is, what exactly is a Snap-On Smile and how can you take advantage of this revolutionary new way to improve yours?

How does Snap-On Smile work?

The Snap-On Smile is created using unique, proprietary, high-tech dental resin. This resin is used to form extremely thin, but extremely strong devices that snap on over the top of your existing natural teeth. This can be used to instantly transform your smile from a stained, chipped, broken smile to something you can be extremely proud of. Since they literally snap into place, you can put them on and smile brightly when you take your family pictures.

Why should I choose Snap-On Smiles?

There is no drilling and you can have your new smile in two appointments. This is an economical solution that you can snap on over your natural teeth, transforming your teeth from the chipped, cracked and broken teeth you normally have to, a beautiful smile. The proprietary formula ensures that we can give you this kind of technological advancement in the form of a solution that is durable, beautiful and fits properly. There are fake replicas on the market but they do not work nearly as well.

Wearing a Snap-On Smile can be a life-changing experience. It gives people back the confidence to smile, allowing thousands of people worldwide to experience the unique benefits that come with having gorgeous teeth. There are really no limitations to who can get a Snap On Smile, because it is affordable and non-invasive. This means, that there is no surgery to worry about, no anesthesia, and no complicated dental work necessary – all things that preclude many people from improving their smile. The reality is that a large number of people are afraid of drilling and shots and other aspects of receiving a 30075 dental restoration. However, with Snap-On Smile you do not have to deal with any of these issues which means that people who are normally afraid of the dentist can visit our Roswell office and leave with a smile they are proud of.