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Reasons to Have a Tooth Extraction by an Oral Surgeon

Reasons to Have a Tooth Extraction by an Oral Surgeon
BY MarieTta rosswell dental Care

There are certain times where an oral surgeon, or a dentist who has the proper oral surgery training, is required to perform a tooth extraction. By understanding when an oral surgeon is needed, rather than a general dentist, you can ensure you receive the treatment needed in the safest and most effective manner.

Visit an oral surgeon for tooth extraction

Not every case of tooth extraction is the same. Some instances are much more complicated, such as pulling impacted wisdom teeth. The following are three reasons to ensure an oral surgeon performs your tooth extraction.

Experts in dental surgery

The first reason to consider having a tooth extraction by an oral surgeon is that they are highly skilled and trained specifically in the art of safely and effectively performing dental surgery. A general dentist may be capable of carrying out a tooth extraction. But, they also wear many hats and perform a wide variety of dental operations in many instances, so oral surgery is not their only focus.Therefore, it may be a good idea to visit a general dentist for diagnosis and recommended treatment. They may even be able to perform a less invasive form of tooth extraction. But, it is often safer to go with a trusted oral surgeon for more complex extractions.

Tooth extractions can be difficult

There are varying degrees of difficulty when it comes to pulling a tooth. More accessible teeth that are not impacted may require less sedation and less precision by the person carrying out the procedure. But, there are other instances where precision is key and the patient must be placed under stronger sedatives to ensure they are comfortable during the operation.Surgery of any kind can be a nerve-wracking experience for the patient. It is often helpful to know that the person conducting the tooth extraction is highly skilled and trained in oral surgery.

Tooth extraction aftercare

Another reason to consider visiting an oral surgeon for tooth extraction is they may be able to provide more precise instructions on how to make a quick recovery without any complications. The first few days or even weeks after tooth extraction can be uncomfortable, especially if a proper aftercare plan is not in place. An oral surgeon is concerned with providing high-quality care before, during and after the surgery itself.General dentists can help with aftercare following tooth extraction. However, finding an oral surgeon that is willing and able to do so as well can be incredibly beneficial.

Talk to an oral surgeon about tooth extraction

It is important to have impacted teeth that begin to affect other teeth, the gums or any other component of oral health examined and properly removed when necessary. This is to ensure they do not cause further health complications. No one should have to live with painful teeth that cause oral health concerns.An oral surgeon can help with tooth extraction. To learn more or schedule an appointment with an oral surgeon, contact us today and find out how we can help.Request an appointment here: or call Marietta Roswell Dental Care at (770) 993-2657 for an appointment in our Roswell office.

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